Ads sort by expiration date. If posted at the same time, a three month ad will appear above a one month ad. As your ad’s expiration date draws closer, it will move closer to the bottom of the category. Please note: Being at the top of the category does not necessarily mean being at the top of the page. Some categories may start half-way down the page. But you can still be one of the first.
Although we don’t guarantee ad position, you can move your ad higher in the category by running your ad for more than one month. You may run a private party ad 1, 3 or 6 months by adding a border or a web link. Business rate ads can run for 1, 3 or 6 months. Discounts automatically apply and are equal to 3 months saves 5% and 6 months saves 10%.
Want to feature your ad on our homepage? Select the option to “Feature My Ad” and it will run in rotation on our homepage for a week. Please keep in mind that our home page is viewed thousands of times each day and the selection of featured ads changes with each view. Your featured ad will not appear TO YOU every time you view the home page.
Please note: Being at the top of the category does not necessarily mean being at the top of the page. Some categories may start half-way down the page, but you can still be one of the first in that category.