USA4SALE is a family-friendly marketplace that aims to make a positive contribution to our communities. We do not publish personals, ads for erotic services, items of an adult or illicit nature, ads for drugs or drug paraphernalia, including drug accessories, illegal or prescription drugs, and herbal drugs of hallucinogenic effect, sales of beer, hard alcohol, or liqueurs, tobacco and tobacco-related products, or links to websites that offer such. If you have a question about the appropriateness of a specific item, please contact us here. We will not publish ads for illegal items. With the change in Florida statutes regarding wildlife, we will no longer be posting ads for Conditional Species (formerly Reptiles of Concern). Out of respect towards the safety and privacy of children, we will not publish identifiable photos of minors. Some items are prohibited by agreement with third parties. Weapons and weapon accessories are prohibited, including ammunition, gun parts, hardware, pistols, BB guns, sporting guns, air guns, blow guns and stun guns and fireworks. We do allow listing for antique guns, non-working replicas, emergency flairs, paintball guns, scopes and holsters as well as Airsoft guns.