All of our ads are previewed prior to publication. More than 90% of the ads on our site are posted at no charge. However, ads that appear to be placed by businesses will not be published without payment.
The following types of ads will only be posted at the business rate:
- Business help wanted and business opportunities
- Real estate that is offered by an agent, broker, developer, investor, or listed as FSBO
- Rental property
- Commercial real estate
- Ads from animal breeders
- Puppies and baby animals
- Services offered
- Junk removal
- Caretakers
- Hay sales
- Stud services
- Horse boarding or stall rentals
- Horse leasing
- Breeding
At our discretion, we may choose to limit private sellers to a total of three (3) ads, particularly on our animals pages. USA4SALE no longer offers private seller listings for firearms and ammunition, although FFL dealers may still advertise with us by becoming a USA4SALE Dealer. Call 352-629-1663 ext 2 to enroll in the program.
We may also require sellers to advertise at the business rate for any of the following reasons: multiple items for sale in the same category, inclusion of a business phone, inclusion of a business domain, as well as other indications of a business. Our determination will be final, but if you have questions or believe we have made a mistake, please call (352) 629-1663. To order a business ad online, go to the homepage, click the link to place a business classified. Businesses that attempt to disguise themselves as private parties may be reported to our customer service department. Real Estate Agents and Brokers who attempt to advertise as private parties without proper disclosure, in violation of state law, may be reported to the Florida Real Estate Commission. According to Florida Statute 20.27, individuals who advertise more than three automobiles for sale in any 12-month period must be licensed dealers. Violators may be reported.